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Introduction to Graphs#

A graph is a mathematical structure used to model relationships between objects. It consists of two primary components:

  • Nodes (or Vertices): These are the individual entities or points in the graph. Each node represents an object, entity, or a piece of data.

  • Edges: These are the connections or relationships between nodes. Edges can be directed (one-way) or undirected (two-way).

Key Characteristics of Graphs#

  • Directed vs. Undirected:

    • A directed graph has edges with a direction, indicating a one-way relationship (e.g., "A points to B").
    • An undirected graph has edges with no direction, indicating a two-way relationship (e.g., "A is connected to B").
  • Weighted vs. Unweighted:

    • A weighted graph assigns a weight or value to each edge (e.g., distance, cost, or capacity).
    • An unweighted graph treats all edges equally.

Image title Sample Graph image will be updated soon

Family Graph

Sample Family Graph image will be updated soon

Introduction to Data-spatial Programming#

Data Spatial Programming organizes data as interconnected nodes within a spatial or graph-like structure. It focuses on the relationships between data points, rather than processing them step-by-step. This approach is ideal for complex systems like social networks or AI models, where data entities influence each other dynamically.

Aspect Conventional Programming Data Spatial Programming
Data Representation Data is stored in linear structures like arrays, tables, or objects. Data is represented as entities (nodes) in a multidimensional space (graphs).
Focus Focuses on procedural logic and algorithmic problem-solving. Focuses on relationships and interactions between data points.
Execution Model Runs sequentially, following explicit instructions. Operates through spatial relationships, with data interacting dynamically.
Use Cases System programming, desktop applications, database manipulation. Real-time network analysis, AI, graph-based applications, simulations.

LittleX Architecture and Its Explanation#

Overview of LittleX Architecture#

Image title



  • Represents a user profile.
  • Attributes:

    • username: Name of the user.
    • count_tag: Tracks hashtag usage as a dictionary.
    • followees: List of followed profiles.
  • User Node

    node User {
          has username: str;
          has followers: list;
          has posts: list;


  • Represents a user's post/tweet.
  • Attributes:
    • content: Tweet text.
    • created_at: Timestamp when the tweet was created.


  • Represents a comment on a tweet.
  • Attributes:
    • content: Comment text.

Edges (Relationships)#

  • follow: Connects one profile to another (followee).
  • like: Represents a "like" relationship between a profile and a tweet.
  • post: Represents a relationship where a profile posts a tweet.

  • Follow Edge

    edge follow {}

Jaclang Implementation#

  1. Install Jaclang
    pip install jaclang, graphviz
  2. Run code
    jac run filename.jac
  3. Visulalize Graph
    jac dot filename.jac >
  4. Open the saved dot file and visualize
node MyNode{}

with entry{
    first_tier =[MyNode() for i in range(2)];
    second_tier =[MyNode() for i in range(2)];

    root ++> first_tier;
    first_tier ++> second_tier;

    end_tier = MyNode();
    second_tier ++> end_tier;


Introduction to Jac-cloud#


  • Walkers are simply agents that can walk on a graph and do tasks where needed.
  • Walkers also inherits from classes in jaclang, but they do not require initialization.
  • Abilities can be defined to run on different types of nodes.
  • Jaseci stack automatically converts walkers into RESTful API Endpoints

Profile Management#

  • visit_profile: Access or create a new user profile.
  • load_user_profiles: Loads all user profiles from the database.
  • update_profile: Updates a profile’s username.
  • get_profile: Retrieves and logs profile information.
  • follow_request / un_follow_request: Allows users to follow or unfollow other profiles.

Tweet Management#

  • create_tweet: Allows a user to post a new tweet.
  • update_tweet: Updates an existing tweet’s content.
  • remove_tweet: Deletes a user’s tweet.
  • load_tweets: Fetches all tweets from a user, including:
    • Comments.
    • Likes.
    • Content with timestamps.
  • like_tweet / remove_like: Users can like or unlike tweets.
  • comment_tweet: Users can comment on tweets.
  • load_feed:
    • Fetches the latest tweets from the user and their followees.
    • Summarizes tweets using GPT-4o.
    • Provides search functionality using query-based filtering with cosine_similarity.
  • summarise_tweets:
    • Summarizes major trends and events from fetched tweets in a concise line.
  • search_tweets:
    • Filters tweets relevant to a query using vector embeddings.

Interaction Loaders#

  • load_likes: Fetches likes on a tweet.
  • load_comments: Fetches comments on a tweet.
  • load_tweet: Fetches details of a specific tweet, including content and author.

Jac Cloud Implementation#

  1. Install Jaclang
    pip install jac-cloud
  2. Run code
    jac serve filename.jac
  3. Go to your browser and navigate to

Introduction to MTLLM#

Integrates LLM into your existing application with minimal effort.

MTLLM Implementation#

  1. Install MTLLM with ollama
    pip install mtllm[ollama]
  2. Run code
    jac run mtllm_example.jac

Introduction to Jac Splice Orchestrator#

JAC Cloud Orchestrator (jac-splice-orc) is a system designed to dynamically import any Python module, deploy it as a Kubernetes Pod, and expose it as an independent gRPC service. This enables any Python module to be used as a microservice, providing flexibility and scalability in a cloud environment.

Jac Splice Orchestrator Implementation#

  1. Install Jac Splice Orchestrator
    pip install jac-splice-orc
  2. Setup Configuration file and Create Cluster
    kind create cluster --name cluster_name --config kind-config.yaml
  3. Initialize Jac Splice Orchestrator
    jac orc_initialize cluster_name
  4. Run Jac file
    jac run filename.jac