Jac Cloud#
How To Start#
Just replace jac run
with jac serve
and you are now running your jac application as an API server.
jac serve main.jac
Optionally, specif host and port with --host
and --port
Once starts, navigate to /docs
to access the built-in API docs.
Walker Endpoints#
- as default, walker declaration will be converted to 2 group of endpoints but can be disable by setting environment variable
- group will be based on allowed
on specs - group 1:
/walker/{walker's name}
- group 2:
/walker/{walker's name}/{node}
- group will be based on allowed
- to control enpoint specification, you need to declare inner
class __specs__ {}
orobj __specs__ {}
. You may also use@specs
if you have disabled auto endpoint - walker support all kind of http method and all fastapi's supported object as path variable / query parameters / json body / file
Supported specs#
path | str | additional path after default auto generated path [root]:walker/{walker's name} /{your path} or [node]:walker/{walker's name}/{node id} /{your path} |
N/A |
methods | list[str] | list of allowed http methods lowercase | ["post"] |
as_query | str | list[str] | list of declared fields that's intended to be query params. Setting it to "*" will set all fields to be query params |
[] |
auth | bool | if endpoint requires authentication or not | true |
private | bool | only applicable if auto endpoint is enabled. This will skip the walker in auto generation. | false |
import:py from jac_cloud {FastAPI}
walker post_no_body {}
walker post_with_body {
has a: str;
walker get_no_body {
obj __specs__ {
static has methods: list = ["get"];
walker get_with_query {
has a: str;
obj __specs__ {
static has methods: list = ["get"], as_query: list = ["a"];
walker get_all_query {
has a: str;
has b: str;
obj __specs__ {
static has methods: list = ["get"], as_query: list = "*", auth: bool = False;
walker post_path_var {
has a: str;
obj __specs__ {
static has path: str = "/{a}", methods: list = ["post", "get"];
walker combination1 {
has a: str;
has b: str;
has c: str;
obj __specs__ {
static has methods: list = ["post", "get"], as_query: list = ["a", "b"];
walker combination2 {
has a: str;
has b: str;
has c: str;
obj __specs__ {
static has path: str = "/{a}", methods: list = ["post", "get", "put", "patch", "delete", "head", "trace", "options"], as_query: list = ["b"];
walker post_with_file {
has single: UploadFile;
has multiple: list[UploadFile];
has singleOptional: UploadFile | None = None;
can enter with `root entry {
obj __specs__ {}
walker post_with_body_and_file {
has val: int;
has single: UploadFile;
has multiple: list[UploadFile];
has optional_val: int = 0;
can enter with `root entry {
obj __specs__ {
static has auth: bool = False;
Walker Response Structure#
- Response support auto serialization of walker/edge/node architypes and obj as long as it's attributes is also serializable (ex: nested dataclass)
"status": {{ int : http status code }},
"reports": {{ list : jac reports }},
# optional via SHOW_ENDPOINT_RETURNS=true environment variable
"returns" {{ list : jac per visit return }}