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  • jac-cloud server logs incoming requests and outgoing responses by default to log files stored in /tmp/ directory
  • The log files are on a daily rotation. Meaning there will be a new log file created every day to prevent log files gets too large.
  • For production usage, we recommend connect your jac-cloud logs to an Elastic instance.

Quick Start: Integration with Elasitc#

  • Assuming you have a running Elastic instance, you just need to use filebeat to ingest the log files into elastic.
  • We provide a template filebeat config file to get started at scripts/filebeat-template.yaml. If you want to adopt the default configuration, simply change the hosts and api_key field.
  • Change the hosts field to point to your elastic instance.

:warning: It seems that filebeat automatically append a 9200 port to the host URL if no port is specified. If your elastic instance is behind a load balancer and simply has a URL without a custom port, you will need to add either :80 or :443 to the hosts config. For example, hosts: ["]

  • Then simply run filebeat -e -c scripts/filebeat-template.yaml.

More Details on Configuring and Starting Filebeat#

  • Download and install filebeat.
  • setup yml based on your setup
    - type: log
      enabled: true
        - /tmp/jac_cloud_logs/*-jac-cloud-*.log
        - /tmp/jac_cloud_logs/jac-cloud.log
        keys_under_root: true
        overwrite_keys: true
        add_error_key: true
        expand_keys: true
      hosts: ["localhost:9200"]
      protocol: https
      api_key: "id:api_key"
      index: "filebeat-testing" "filebeat"
    setup.template.pattern: "filebeat-*"
  • to run without restriction, run filebeat as root
    • sudo cp filebeat.yml /etc/filebeat/filebeat.yml
    • sudo filebeat -e
  • normal run
    • filebeat -e -c filebeat.yml
  • for complete documentation

Additional Env Vars to customize logger#

LOGGER_NAME Specified logger name app
LOGGER_LEVEL Control log level debug
LOGGER_FILE_PATH Log directory and name /tmp/jac_cloud_logs/jac-cloud.log
LOGGER_ROLLOVER_INTERVAL M = every minute, H = hourly, D = daily, W = weekly D
LOGGER_MAX_BACKUP Maximum number of backup files before it will deletes old file. Non positive value will not have maximum -1
LOGGER_ROLLOVER_MAX_FILE_SIZE Maximum file size in bytes before it will rollover to new file 10000000
LOGGER_USE_UTC If logger will use UTC false