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Using Multi-modal Models#

For MTLLM to have actual neurosymbolic powers, it needs to be able to handle multimodal inputs and outputs. This means that it should be able to understand text, images, and videos. In this section, we will discuss how MTLLM can handle multimodal inputs.


MTLLM can handle images as inputs. You can provide an image as input to the MTLLM Function or Method using the Image format of mtllm. Here is an example of how you can provide an image as input to the MTLLM Function or Method:

import:py from mtllm.llms, OpenAI;
import:py from mtllm, Image;

glob llm = OpenAI(model_name="gpt-4o");

enum Personality {
   INTROVERT: 'Person who is shy and reticent' = "Introvert",
   EXTROVERT: 'Person who is outgoing and socially confident' = "Extrovert"

obj 'Person'
Person {
    has full_name: str,
        yod: 'Year of Death': int,
        personality: 'Personality of the Person': Personality;

can get_person_info(img: 'Image of Person': Image) -> Person
by llm();

with entry {
    person_obj = get_person_info(Image("person.png"));

Input Image (person.png): person.png

# Output
Person(full_name='Albert Einstein', yod=1955, personality=Personality.INTROVERT)

In the above example, we have provided an image of a person ("Albert Einstein") as input to the get_person_info method. The method returns the information of the person in the image. The output of the method is a Person object with the name, year of death, and personality of the person in the image.


Similarly, MTLLM can handle videos as inputs. You can provide a video as input to the MTLLM Function or Method using the Video format of mtllm. Here is an example of how you can provide a video as input to the MTLLM Function or Method:

import:py from mtllm.llms, OpenAI;
import:py from mtllm, Video;

glob llm = OpenAI(model_name="gpt-4o");

can is_aligned(video: Video, text: str) -> bool
by llm(method="Chain-of-Thoughts", context="Mugen is the moving character");

with entry {
    video = Video("mugen.mp4", 1);
    text = "Mugen jumps off and collects few coins.";
    print(is_aligned(video, text));

Input Video (mugen.mp4): mugen.mp4

# Output

In the above example, we have provided a video of a character ("Mugen") as input to the is_aligned method. The method checks if the text is aligned with the video. The output of the method is a boolean value indicating whether the text is aligned with the video.