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Jac Language Command Line Interface (CLI)#

Jac Language CLI is with a variety of commands to facilitate users. Additionally, Jac language offers users the ability to define custom CLI commands through plugins. This document aims to provide an overview of each command along with clear usage instructions. Jac CLI can ba accessed using bash commands as well as by bashing jac which will start the Jac CLI.

jac tool#

Jac Language offers language tools to perform various tasks efficiently. The tool command is utilized to execute specific language tools along with any optional arguments as needed. This command enables users to interact with language-specific command line tools designed to manage the language effectively.

$ jac tool <jac_tool> <args>
Parameters to execute the tool command: - jac_tool: The name of the language tool to execute. - ir, pass_template, py_ast_nodes, md_doc, automate_ref are the jac_tools used to handle (Usage instruction is below) - args: Optional arguments for the specific language tool.

1.1. jac_tool ir: ir tool generates an Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) and SymbolTable tree for a .jac file, or a Python AST for a .py file. ir tool is used with tool cli command.

jac tool ir <output_type> <file_path>

Parameters for jac tool ir

  • output_type: Choose one of the following options:
  • sym: Provides the symbol table of the specified .jac file.
  • sym.: Generates a dot graph representation of the symbol table for the specified .jac file.
  • ast: Displays the Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) of the specified .jac file.
  • ast.: Generates a dot graph representation of the AST for the specified .jac file.
  • pyast: Generates the Python AST for a .py file or the relevant Python AST for the generated Python code from a .jac file.
  • py: Displays the relevant generated Python code for the respective Jac code in a .jac file.
  • file_path: Path to the .jac or .py file.

  • To get the symbol table tree of a Jac file:

    jac tool ir sym <file_path>
  • To generate a dot graph of the symbol table tree for a Jac file:
    jac tool ir sym. <file_path>
  • To view the AST tree of a Jac file:
    jac tool ir ast <file_path>

jac_tool pass_template: pass_template tool generates pass template for jac.

jac tool pass_template

jac_tool py_ast_nodes: py_ast_nodes tool lists python ast nodes.

jac tool py_ast_nodes

jac_tool md_doc: md_doc tool generate mermaid markdown doc.

jac tool md_doc

jac_tool automate_ref: automate_ref tool automates the reference guide generation.

jac tool automate_ref

jac run#

The run command is utilized to run the specified .jac or .jir file.

jac run <file_path> [main] [cache]
Parameters to execute the run command: - file_path: Path of .jac or .jir file to run. - main: (Optional, bool) A flag indicating whether the module being executed is the main module. Defaults to True - cache :The cache flag to cache - To run file_path Jac file:
jac run <file_path>

jac clean#

The clean command is utilized to remove the jac_gen , pycache folders from the current directory recursively.

jac clean
No Parameters needed to execute the clean command

jac format#

The format command is utilized to run the specified .jac file or format all .jac files in a given directory.

jac format <file_path/directory_path> [outfile] [debug]
Parameters to execute the format command: - file_path/directory_path: The path to the .jac file or directory containing .jac files. - outfile: (Optional) The output file path (only applies when formatting a single file). - debug :(Optional) If True, print debug information. Defaults to False

To format all .jac files from walking through current located directory:

$ jac format .

jac check#

The check command is utilized to run type checker for a specified .jac file.

jac check <file_path>
Parameters to execute the check command: - file_path: Path of .jac file to run type checker.

jac build#

The build command is utilized to build the specified .jac file.

jac build <file_path>
Parameters to execute the build command: - file_path: Path of .jac file to build.

jac enter#

The enter command is utilized to run the specified entrypoint function in the given .jac file.

jac enter <file_path> <entrypoint> <args>
Parameters to execute the enter command: - file_path: The path to the .jac file. - entrypoint: The name of the entrypoint function. - args: Arguments to pass to the entrypoint function.
  • To enter file_path Jac file
    jac enter <file_path>

jac test#

The test command is utilized to run the test suite in the specified .jac file.

jac test <file_path>
Parameters to execute the test command: - file_path: The path to the .jac file.