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SemRegistry, SemInfo, and SemScope#


The semantic registry system in the MTLLM framework consists of three main classes: SemInfo, SemScope, and SemRegistry. These classes work together to provide a structured way of storing and retrieving semantic information about various elements in a program. This document outlines the design and implementation details of each class.



SemInfo is designed to encapsulate semantic information for individual elements in a program. It stores three key pieces of information:

  1. name: The identifier of the element
  2. type: The type of the element (optional)
  3. semstr: A semantic string describing the element


class SemInfo:
    def __init__(self, name: str, type: Optional[str] = None, semstr: str = "") -> None: = name
        self.type = type
        self.semstr = semstr

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        return f"{self.semstr} ({self.type}) ({})"

Key Features:#

  • Simple initialization with optional type and semstr
  • String representation includes all three attributes for easy debugging and display



SemScope represents a scope in the program, which can be nested. It includes:

  1. scope: The name of the scope
  2. type: The type of the scope (e.g., "class", "function")
  3. parent: A reference to the parent scope (optional)

Additional features include: - String representation that shows the full scope hierarchy - Static method to create a SemScope from a string representation - Property to get the scope as a type string


class SemScope:
    def __init__(self, scope: str, type: str, parent: Optional[SemScope] = None) -> None:
        self.parent = parent
        self.type = type
        self.scope = scope

    def __str__(self) -> str:
        if self.parent:
            return f"{self.parent}.{self.scope}({self.type})"
        return f"{self.scope}({self.type})"

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        return self.__str__()

    def get_scope_from_str(scope_str: str) -> Optional[SemScope]:
        scope_list = scope_str.split(".")
        parent = None
        for scope in scope_list:
            scope_name, scope_type = scope.split("(")
            scope_type = scope_type[:-1]
            parent = SemScope(scope_name, scope_type, parent)
        return parent

    def as_type_str(self) -> Optional[str]:
        if self.type not in ["class", "node", "obj"]:
            return None
        type_str = self.scope
        node = self.parent
        while node and node.parent:
            if node.type not in ["class", "node", "obj"]:
                return type_str
            type_str = f"{node.scope}.{type_str}"
            node = node.parent
        return type_str

Key Features:#

  • Nested structure representation through the parent attribute
  • String representation shows the full scope hierarchy
  • get_scope_from_str allows reconstruction of a SemScope hierarchy from a string
  • as_type_str property provides a string representation of the scope as a type, useful for type checking and inference



SemRegistry serves as the main container and manager for semantic information. It stores SemInfo objects organized by SemScope. Key features include:

  1. Storage of semantic information in a nested dictionary structure
  2. Methods for adding new semantic information
  3. Flexible lookup functionality
  4. Utility methods for accessing and displaying the registry contents


class SemRegistry:
    def __init__(self) -> None:
        self.registry: dict[SemScope, list[SemInfo]] = {}

    def add(self, scope: SemScope, seminfo: SemInfo) -> None:
        for k in self.registry.keys():
            if str(k) == str(scope):
                scope = k
            self.registry[scope] = []

    def lookup(
        scope: Optional[SemScope] = None,
        name: Optional[str] = None,
        type: Optional[str] = None,
    ) -> tuple[Optional[SemScope], Optional[SemInfo | list[SemInfo]]]:
        if scope:
            for k, v in self.registry.items():
                if str(k) == str(scope):
                    if name:
                        for i in v:
                            if == name:
                                return k, i
                    elif type:
                        for i in v:
                            if i.type == type:
                                return k, i
                        return k, v
            for k, v in self.registry.items():
                if name:
                    for i in v:
                        if == name:
                            return k, i
                elif type:
                    for i in v:
                        if i.type == type:
                            return k, i
        return None, None

    def module_scope(self) -> SemScope:
        for i in self.registry.keys():
            if not i.parent:
        return i

    def pp(self) -> None:
        for k, v in self.registry.items():
            for i in v:
                print(f"  {} {i.type} {i.semstr}")

Key Features:#

  • Efficient storage using a dictionary with SemScope as keys and lists of SemInfo as values
  • add method handles the case of existing scopes and adds new SemInfo objects to the appropriate list
  • Flexible lookup method allows searching by scope, name, or type, with various combinations
  • module_scope property provides quick access to the top-level scope
  • pp (pretty print) method for easy debugging and inspection of the registry contents

Usage and Interaction#

These classes work together to provide a comprehensive system for managing semantic information:

  1. SemInfo objects are created to represent individual program elements.
  2. SemScope objects are created to represent the hierarchical structure of the program.
  3. SemRegistry is used to store and organize SemInfo objects within their respective SemScopes.
  4. The lookup method of SemRegistry allows for flexible querying of semantic information based on various criteria.

This system enables efficient storage and retrieval of semantic information, which is crucial for the MTLLM framework's ability to understand and reason about program structure and meaning during compilation and inference processes.