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Tips and Tricks

Here are some general tips, tricks, and how-tos for Jac.

Running Streamlit in Jac

In pure python, say you have the following streamlit app

Now typically you'd have to run this with a command like streamlit run

Here is how you can have a Jac program with the same functionality.

Now you can simply use jac run streamlit_demo.jac as normal. Basically, you can take that sl_start ability and add it to any streamlit jac project. Note that there is a hardcoded value in the function for the name of your app (though it doesn't have to be). I'll leave it as a challenge to you on how to have that automatically resolve the file name. sneeze __file__ sneeze

Note that If you are unable to run the pure python one, you have to get over that milestone before thinking about the Jac version.